King Krule - Space Heavy


From 6 feet beneath the moon to 600 feet above it, the fourth album from the King Krule camp floats in a sea of tranquility - the swamp in the sky. The fourth studio album from the King Krule camp is the most mature meeting with the ether to date.

Under the deluge of grime festered surroundings, lined with glittery and gleaming waypoints, grime-ridden steps are taken through the space-smog. Planets slowly revolve, if you stand and stare long enough you can see it in motion - not that it cares whether you do or do not. It's a bittersweet sensation to stumble across the thought that nothing that you've ever done, and subsequently will ever do, will ever mean anything. There is a certain freedom that comes with it, however, it often blooms in to a hollow victory - hands in the air, triumphant, the soul shot with holes. All of these journeys taken to discover what we all inherently know - there's nothing out there for you that you don't already have. The further you search, the further you find yourself from that which you seek. Chasing your tail, and for what? Round and round in a daydream - never rising to the surface. Never settling in your skin. Surrender. Succumb to the fact that you make your own meaning, or forever live under the thumb - the thumb of yourself. Disappointments are inevitable, and you will run out of space with your mistakes. Humans are intrinsically heavy, unidentifiable things.

Bleak with snapshots of bliss, Space Heavy is a rather gloomy affair - expecting anything less would be a sever misunderstanding of the task at hand. It shimmers with an elegant dose of dirt. Dense with an effervescent quality, Space Heavy lies akin to solid sludge with a soft center. A hard outer shell, but internally as soft as snow.

Who knew weightlessness could be so heavy.

Sink in to the sky. 


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