jpegmafia danny brown scaring the hoes

Make way for the real ones. 'Scaring the Hoes' is the collaboration that the Hip-Hop world needed - and waited for for some time. The paths of JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown were sure to cross at some point - the worlds that they exist within bare many aesthetical similarities and kindred traits. Both parties seem to firmly subscribe to the 'anything goes - all is fair game' approach.

Scaring the Hoes sonically resembles paintings where the paint has begun warp and drip - elements of the world have become criss-crossed/drip-dropped within each other. Worlds that have no right of mingling in each others business become one under the roof of experimentations touch. The mix of sounds and blend of styles on show is impressive to say the least.

Scaring the Hoes bolsters the most rugged blend of experimental sounds and straight up musical mastery - this is how experimentation is done right. It's an alchemy of the highest order. A little bit of this and a little bit of that; it sounds easy, but it's just as easily over-cooked. Knowing where to stop as to not lose the song is a skill in itself; things get out of hand quicker than you think. Cultivating a sound and aesthetic that allows for 'out there' exploration while still sticking to overarching foundational elements of space and time is something often overlooked. The floodgates are open. The ether is channeled.

Often times awkward, off-kiltered and always - always - irreverent, Scaring the Hoes blows your favourite album this year out the water. Were there ever any doubts that the pairing of JPEG and Danny Brown wouldn't release the best left-leaning material around?

Where Vol. 2 at?


Maruja - Knocknarea


Model/Actriz - Dogsbody