Profane Order - One Nightmare Unto Another

Nuclear War Now!

profane order - one nightmare unto another

Montréal, Quebec based band, Profane Order, push the boundaries of whats to be considered sonic assault. War Metal, Death Metal, what have you. Singed, burnt, and beaten black and blue, or just black, the smog makes it hard to distinguish exactly what is what.

The dam's on the verge of bursting, and when it does; chaos ensues. Battering ram in each ear, thrust into war. Under siege by a wall of sound, a wall of souls. Kindred spirits of the sinister kind - hanging around for the chance to destroy mans belief in any sense of 'good' existing. The clock is ticking, oh yes, and your time is most definitely up. The sky is the last thing you see as you become immersed in terminal black - an inferno of ash and filth.

Ravenous and rapacious, the greed that this engulfing black vapour shows is astronomical - sights are set and emotions are snatched. The only room for a breather comes towards the end of 'Suppression' which then bleeds into 'Pernicious Scum'. The brooding drumbeat and scathing guitar drone the ensues lets the listener know that their time for rest is coming to an end - they're about to be thrown out of the pan and into the flames, or into the onslaught of Profane Order. Huffing smoke as it hurtles towards the listener, the demonic cloud on the horizon sizes up its victim before cascading full tilt to steamroll anything in its path.

Profane Order's third studio album serves as an absolute obliteration of the senses; an overload on all levels.


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