Opus Kink - My Eyes, Brother!

Nice Swan

Brighton based band and six-piece collective, Opus Kink, fulfill a sense of unpredictability. It's a game where anything goes. Their latest release shows off the exuberance of a band with many an idea floating around in the collective conscious of its respective members. A collective conscious that the band are all firmly tuned in to - on the same page. The page is full of scribbles and doodles, but it's a language - hieroglyphic-like code - that the band understand, and converge on.

Step inside the fun-house of Opus Kink. A space where the rule-book is adhered to, although a blind eye is often turned to evoke a sense of mischievous deeds in action. Out of sight, out of mind. Peculiar shapes are metaphysically painted. The shadows follow you around. Shape-shifters of the whimsical kind. Jokers. Taunters. Haunters. Funny men with no funny bone. There's a cynical bite to their being. Nothing given, all taken. Sinister in stance. Hissing witticisms at those that didn't ask for it. The aphoristic uncle at the wedding. Seething to explore the boundaries of acceptance. More often than not, cast out.

The feeling that anything can happen firmly resonates - an unpredictable aesthetic is at hand. Loose, squirmy and subversive - unwilling to fit in to any given narrative; evasive of confinement; avoiding the pigeon hole. Undermining expectation, Opus Kink get both under and over all the ways that you think you can box them in on the bands third EP, 'My Eyes, Brother!'.

Wind instruments have become the latest must-have. They have the potential to communicate madness in ways which other instruments fail to. A dissonant outward view comes through. Rubbed the wrong way. Chafed, and on the verge of losing it entirely. Bottling up the madness and placing it within a rhythmic structure, Opus Kink have tapped in to the brain of the barfly.

That's just how it is, how it will be. 


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